McGill Cell Information Systems Partnership with Montreal CÉGEPs

The CIS group at McGill is building partnerships with local CÉGEPs as part of a two-way mentorship program. Outstanding CÉGEP students are matched with CIS research labs to undertake a project with a CIS trainee (graduate student or post-doc). In doing so, the CÉGEP student gains exposure to scientific research in an academic setting, while trainees have the opportunity to develop teaching skills.

This year, the Bowie Lab took the initiative to mentor Annabelle Bickerstaff from Marianopolis College. She is a recipient of the Mitacs College-level Research Internship Award (CRIA), a $5000 bursary established by the Fonds de recherche du Québec nature et technologies (FRQNT) and Mitacs. During the Fall and Winter semesters, she will work with PhD candidate Amanda Perozzo to learn molecular biology techniques.

Annabelle (left) and Amanda (right) are pictured at the molecular biology bench, where they are performing site-directed mutagenesis by PCR to introduce mutations in ion channel genes.

If you are interested in participating in the program, please contact Dr. Derek Bowie.